ExecOS is in Beta

We're now in the beta-testing phase for ExecOS! This is the point where we need your help! The process will involve testing the update and then reporting your feedback.

Reporting your feedback

You can report your feedback by visiting our Contact page or by using the in-app Send Feedback button.

If you don't find any issues, please report the successful update by giving us a feedback of your overall experience instead. 🎉  Describe your testing steps or process to ensure you receive the appropriate credit.

Testing the update

To get started, we ask that you reach out to us via our Contact page to let us know that you'd like to participate in our beta-testing phase. We will then ask you to create an account on ExecOS (free of charge) to begin your testing phase.

If possible, repeat the testing process after a new beta or release candidate is published, to verify that issues are resolved and help ensure there are no new regressions.